Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics ›› 2024, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (3): 644-665.doi: 10.23919/JSEE.2024.000022
• SYSTEMS ENGINEERING • Previous Articles
Guang ZHAN1(), Kun ZHANG1,2,*(
), Ke LI1(
), Haiyin PIAO1(
Kun ZHANG;;;
About author:
Supported by:
Guang ZHAN, Kun ZHANG, Ke LI, Haiyin PIAO. UAV maneuvering decision-making algorithm based on deep reinforcement learning under the guidance of expert experience[J]. Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics, 2024, 35(3): 644-665.
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Table 1
Details of parameters involved in environment"
Parameter | Range | Meaning |
Distance between UAV and target point | ||
Relative azimuth between LOS and the nose direction of UAV | ||
UAV speed | ||
UAV height | ||
Horizontal range of bomb | ||
Steering overload of UAV |
Table 2
Parameters assignment of algorithm for the guidance towards area task"
Parameter | Value | Meaning |
100 | Policy’s learning period | |
100000 | Historical buffer capacity | |
0.01 | Soft updating parameter | |
128 | Size of minibatch | |
0.001 | Actor networks’ learning rate | |
0.001 | Critic networks’ learning rate | |
0.5 | Availability exponent of PER | |
0.4 | Initial IS exponent | |
1000 | Maximum training episodes | |
5000 | Maximum steps per episode |
Table 3
Structure of critic network ${\boldsymbol{Q}}\left( {{\boldsymbol{s}},{\boldsymbol{a}}|{{\boldsymbol{\theta}} _{\boldsymbol{Q}}}} \right)$ for the guidance towards area task"
Layer name | Layer structure | |
Unit | Activation function | |
Input layer of state | 16 | ReLU |
Input layer of action | 16 | ReLU |
Hidden layer 1 | 32 | ReLU |
Hidden layer 2 | 64 | ReLU |
Hidden layer 3 | 32 | ReLU |
Output layer | 1 | None |
Table 4
Structure of actor network ${\boldsymbol{\mu}} \left( {{\boldsymbol{s}}|{{\boldsymbol{\theta}} _{\boldsymbol{\mu}} }} \right)$ for the guidance towards area task"
Layer name | Layer structure | |
Unit | Activation function | |
Input layer | 16 | Tanh |
Hidden layer 1 | 32 | Tanh |
Hidden layer 2 | 64 | Tanh |
Hidden layer 3 | 32 | Tanh |
Output layer | 1 | Tanh |
Table 5
Statistical results of MC test experiments in the guidance towards area task"
Method | Number of experiments | Number of successful experiments | Successful rate |
UER-DDPG and RS without advice | 1000 | 998 | 0.998 |
PER-DDPG and RS without advice | 1000 | 999 | 0.999 |
UER-DDPG and RS with advice | 1000 | 999 | 0.999 |
PER-DDPG and RS | 1000 | 999 | 0.999 |
Table 6
Parameters assignment of algorithm for the guidance towards specific point task"
Parameter | Value | Meaning |
100 | Policy’s learning period | |
50000 | Historical buffer capacity | |
0.01 | Soft updating parameter | |
256 | Size of minibatch | |
0.001 | Actor networks’ learning rate | |
0.001 | Critic networks’ learning rate | |
0.5 | Availability exponent of PER | |
0.1 | Initial IS exponent | |
3000 | Maximum training episodes | |
5000 | Maximum steps per episode |
Table 7
Structure of critic network ${\boldsymbol{Q}}\left( {{\boldsymbol{s}},{\boldsymbol{a}}|{{\boldsymbol{\theta}} _{\boldsymbol{Q}}}} \right)$ for the guidance towards specific point task"
Layer name | Layer structure | |
Unit | Activation function | |
Input layer of state | 16 | ReLU |
Input layer of action | 16 | ReLU |
Hidden layer 1 | 32 | ReLU |
Hidden layer 2 | 64 | ReLU |
Hidden layer 3 | 32 | ReLU |
Output layer | 1 | None |
Table 8
Structure of actor network ${\boldsymbol{\mu}} \left( {{\boldsymbol{s}}|{{\boldsymbol{\theta }}_{\boldsymbol{\mu}} }} \right)$ for the guidance towards specific point task"
Layer name | Layer structure | |
Unit | Activation function | |
Input layer | 16 | Tanh |
Hidden layer 1 | 32 | Tanh |
Hidden layer 2 | 64 | Tanh |
Hidden layer 3 | 32 | Tanh |
Output layer | 1 | Tanh |
Table 9
Statistical results of MC test experiments in the guidance towards specific point task"
Method | Number of experiments | Number of successful experiments | Successful rate |
UER-DDPG and RS without advice | 1000 | 743 | 0.743 |
PER-DDPG and RS without advice | 1000 | 893 | 0.893 |
UER-DDPG and RS with advice | 1000 | 957 | 0.957 |
PER-DDPG and RS | 1000 | 943 | 0.943 |
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