Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics ›› 2024, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (3): 619-643.doi: 10.23919/JSEE.2024.000029
• SYSTEMS ENGINEERING • Previous Articles
Qingyuan ZHANG1,2(), Xiaoyang LI2,3(
), Tianpei ZU2,4(
), Rui KANG1,2,3,*(
Rui KANG;;;
About author:
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Qingyuan ZHANG, Xiaoyang LI, Tianpei ZU, Rui KANG. Belief reliability: a scientific exploration of reliability engineering[J]. Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics, 2024, 35(3): 619-643.
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Table 1
Review of representative methods considering epistemic uncertainty"
Type | Representative method (mathematical basis) | Existing problem if applied to reliability engineering |
Imprecise probability-based method | Bayesian reliability (Bayesian theory) | Due to the inclusion of subjective information, Bayesian probabilities are not probabilities in the sense of frequency, so it is questionable to still follow Kolmogolov’s axiomatic system for subsequent calculations. When available information is scarce, the results of Bayesian reliability analysis are greatly sensitive to the prior knowledge and are often not sufficiently complete to support decision making. |
Evidence reliability (evidence theory) | The basic formula of The results of the interval form will cause interval expansion problems in the system reliability calculation. | |
Interval reliability (interval analysis theory) | The results can also bring interval expansion problems. The interval analysis is not self-consistent in mathematics (for two events related to interval analysis with | |
New mathematical measure-based method | Posbist reliability (fuzzy theory) | We can derive results that are not self-consistent, i.e., the sum of reliability and unreliability is not equal to 1. |
Table 2
Research topics and representative papers about belief reliability modeling and analysis"
Topic | Representative paper |
Methodology | Basic model and analysis procedure [ |
Belief reliability analysis based on the basic equations | Belief reliability analysis of different products: hydraulic servo actuator [ |
Uncertainty propagation | Propagation formula and algorithm [ |
Belief reliability analysis of different system configurations | Series systems [ |
Fault tree analysis | Minimal cut set theorem [ |
Importance index | Uncertain system [ |
Belief reliability analysis of systems with degradation-shock dependency | Uncertain degradation with random shock arrival time and uncertain shock size [ |
Network system belief reliability | Connectivity belief reliability of transportation network [ |
Belief reliability analysis of multi-state system | Modified universal generating function technique with uncertain measure [ |
Table 3
Meaning of “same” and “different” for each element in metadata set"
Element of metadata | Meaning of being “same” | Meaning of being “different” |
The products corresponding to the collected metadata are from the same population, i.e., the types and design values of | The products corresponding to the collected metadata are from the different populations, i.e., the types and design values of | |
The type and size of the stress that the products bear during working are all the same | The type of the stress that the products bear during working is same, but the size is different, for example, different stress level in tests, stress in both tests and actual use, etc | |
— | The degradation time or lifetime/failure time obtained are usually different due to the uncertainty of products | |
The products corresponding to the collected metadata are designed for same function with same performance parameters and requirements | (i) The products corresponding to the collected metadata are designed for same function with different performance parameters and requirements (ii) The products corresponding to the collected metadata are designed for different functions |
Table 4
Belief reliability evaluation methods or models for different metadata combinations"
Method symbol | Method or model | |
1 | Graduation formula method [ | |
2 | Metadata with information of degradation | (i) Uncertain process-based models [ (ii) Time variant uncertainty distribution model [ (iii) Uncertain differential equation-based model [ (iv) Performance and health status margin degradation framework for belief reliability evaluation [ |
Metadata with information of lifetime/failure time | Data fusion method: consistent belief degree method (data equivalence method and constant coefficient of variation method) [ | |
3 | Similarity fusion method [ |
Table 5
Some new belief-reliability-related methods and technologies"
Field | Representative paper |
Belief reliability centered maintenance and supportability optimization | (i) Maintenance optimization model: maintenance indexes and analysis for repairable systems [ (ii) Spare parts optimization: variety optimization [ |
Risk analysis | Uncertainty representation and propagation in risk analysis [ |
Prognostics and health management | Failure prognostics with scarce data [ |
Software belief reliability assessment | Software belief reliability growth model using uncertain differential equation with perfect [ |
Others | Belief reliability analysis of supply chain [ |
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93 | LI B Y, KANG R, YU L Belief reliability modelling and analysis method based on the probability measure. Systems Engineering and Electronics, 2021, 43 (7): 1995- 2004. |
94 | CHEN W B, LI X Y, TONG B A, et al Belief reliability modeling and analysis for transmission efficiency of harmonic gear. Journal of Vibration Engineering, 2021, 35 (1): 237- 245. |
95 | FAN M F, ZENG Z G, KANG R An approach to measure reliability based on belief reliability. Systems Engineering and Electronics, 2015, 37 (11): 2648- 2653. |
96 | ZHOU S, ZHANG J G, YOU L F, et al Uncertainty propagation in structural reliability with implicit limit state functions under aleatory and epistemic uncertainties. Eksploatacja i Niezawodnosc – Maintenance and Reliability, 2021, 2 (23): 231- 241. |
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