Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics ›› 2024, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (3): 509-531.doi: 10.23919/JSEE.2023.000159
Xinwei OU(), Zhangxin CHEN(
), Ce ZHU(
), Yipeng LIU(
Zhangxin CHEN, Yipeng LIU;;;
About author:
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Xinwei OU, Zhangxin CHEN, Ce ZHU, Yipeng LIU. Low rank optimization for efficient deep learning: making a balance between compact architecture and fast training[J]. Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics, 2024, 35(3): 509-531.
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Table 1
Comparison of compression performance of advanced tensor decomposition methods on ResNet32 with Cifar10 dataset"
Method | Top-1 Accuracy/% | Compression ratio |
Tucker [ | 87.70 | 5 times |
TT [ | 88.3 | 4.8 times |
TR [ | 90.6 | 5 times |
BTD [ | 91.1 | 5 times |
GKPD [ | 91.5 | 5 times |
HT [ | 89.9 | 1.6 times |
STT [ | 91.0 | 9 times |
Table 3
Comparison among FC layer compressed by TT, TR, HT, BTD, STR, and KPD on computation costs and storage consumption"
Method | Computation | Storage |
FC | ||
TT | ||
TR | ||
HT | ||
BTD | ||
STR | ||
Table 4
Comparison among convolutional layer compressed by TT, TR, HT, BTD, STR, GKPD on computation costs and storage consumption."
Method | Computation | Storage |
Conv | ||
TT | ||
TR | ||
HT | ||
BTD | ||
STR | ||
Table 5
Three types of low rank optimization method for model compression"
Method | Description | Representative works |
Pre-train | Pretrain the target model, apply tensor decomposition to trained weight tensors, and then fine-tune to recover accuracy | [ |
Pre-set | Construct tensorized netwoks, set properinitialization, and then train the whole network | [ |
Compression-aware | Train the original network with normal optimizersbut enforce weight tensors to enjoy low rank structure | [ |
Table 6
Integratable techniques"
Type of integration | Technique | Description | Representative integration works |
Parallel integration | Pruning | Discard insignificant connections | [ |
Sparsification | Zero out insignificant weights | [ | |
Weight sharing | Share weights across different connections | [ | |
Knowledge distillation | Transfer knowledge learned from teacher to student | [ | |
Orthogonal integration | Quantization | Reduce precision | [ |
Entropy coding | Encode weights into binary codewords | [ |
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