Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics ›› 2024, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (1): 163-177.doi: 10.23919/JSEE.2024.000018
• SYSTEMS ENGINEERING • Previous Articles
Xiaolong XU1,*(), Shuai JIANG2(
), Jinbo ZHAO2(
), Xinheng WANG3(
Xiaolong XU;;;
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Xiaolong XU, Shuai JIANG, Jinbo ZHAO, Xinheng WANG. DCEL: classifier fusion model for Android malware detection[J]. Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics, 2024, 35(1): 163-177.
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Table 1
Some static characteristics after APK file characteristics"
Static characteristics | Category |
SEND_SMS | Manifest permission |
READ_PHONE_STATE | Manifest permission | | API call signature | | API call signature |
Android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REPLACED | Intent |
Android.intent.action.SEND_MULTIPLE | Intent |
remount | Commands signature |
/system/app | Commands signature |
Table 2
Malware threat level table"
Malware threat level | Threat level | Related attribute |
High risk | A | Transact,onServiceConnected,bindService,SEND_SMS,READ_PHONE_STATE,··· |
Danger | B | WRITE_HISTORY_BOOKMARKS,TelephonyManager.getSubscriberId,WRITE_SYNC_SETTINGS,··· |
Slight danger | C | READ_CALL_LOG,Android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED,ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE,··· |
Ordinary | D | TelephonyManager.getNetworkOperator,Android.intent.action.SENDTO,SET_ALARM,··· |
Safety | E | ACCESS_SURFACE_FLINGER,Android.intent.action.ACTION_POWER_CONNECTED,··· |
Table 3
Network parameters of CNN"
Layer(type) | Output shape | Parameter |
Conv2d_3(Conv2D) | (None, 12, 12, 32) | 320 |
Max_pooling2d_3(MaxPooling2D) | (None, 6, 6, 32) | 0 |
Conv2d_4(Conv2D) | (None, 4, 4, 64) | 18496 |
Max_pooling2d_4(MaxPooling2D) | (None, 2, 2, 64) | 0 |
Flatten_2(Flatten) | (None, 256) | 0 |
Dense_3(Dense) | (None, 512) | 131584 |
Dense_4(Dense) | (None, 1) | 513 |
Table 6
Drebin and Malgenome dataset description"
Type and number of features | Feature |
API call signature(73) | Transact, onServiceConnected, bindService, attachInterface, Ljava.lang.Class.getField, ··· |
Intent(23) | Android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED, Android.intent.action.SEND_MULTIPLE, ··· |
Commands signature(6) | Remount, chown, /system/bin, /system/app, ··· |
Table 7
Comparison between DCEL and traditional machine learning algorithms in terms of accuracy, AUC value and other indicators"
Algorithm | Accuracy | Error rate | Recall rate | Precision | F-measure | AUC | Time/s |
K-means | 0.716994 | 0.283006 | 0.915674 | 0.568259 | 0.701299 | 0.759768 | 0.06 |
DT | 0.979381 | 0.020619 | 0.983820 | 0.983820 | 0.983820 | 0.977703 | 0.03 |
LR | 0.979049 | 0.020951 | 0.985908 | 0.981299 | 0.983598 | 0.976455 | 0.02 |
SVM | 0.977719 | 0.022281 | 0.983299 | 0.981761 | 0.982529 | 0.975609 | 0.03 |
Gaussian NB | 0.708015 | 0.291985 | 0.552192 | 0.981447 | 0.706747 | 0.766930 | 0.1 |
AdaBoost | 0.963086 | 0.036914 | 0.977557 | 0.964967 | 0.971221 | 0.957615 | 0.23 |
RF | 0.983705 | 0.016295 | 0.971586 | 0.983302 | 0.977409 | 0.981096 | 0.31 |
DroidFusion[ | 0.984 | 0.016 | 0.984 | 0.992 | 0.988 | None | None |
DCEL | 0.990772 | 0.009228 | 0.991127 | 0.989578 | 0.990352 | 0.995831 | 0.15 |
Table 8
Comparison of DCEL and a single model in terms of accuracy and other indicators"
Algorithm | Accuracy | Error rate | Recall rate | Precision | F-measure | AUC |
DNN1 | 0.987695 | 0.012305 | 0.989562 | 0.988530 | 0.989045 | 0.984698 |
DNN2 | 0.982042 | 0.017958 | 0.984821 | 0.967544 | 0.976106 | 0.986398 |
CNN | 0.984037 | 0.015963 | 0.973660 | 0.982585 | 0.978102 | 0.992325 |
DECL | 0.990772 | 0.009228 | 0.991127 | 0.989578 | 0.990352 | 0.995831 |
Table 9
Performance comparison between DCEL and other models on the Malgenome dataset"
Algorithm | Accuracy | Error rate | Recall rate | Precision | F-measure | AUC | Time/s |
DNN1 | 0.990789 | 0.009211 | 0.991379 | 0.978723 | 0.985011 | 0.999004 | 0.005 |
DNN2 | 0.989474 | 0.010526 | 0.984127 | 0.984127 | 0.984127 | 0.988126 | 0.011 |
CNN | 0.988158 | 0.011842 | 0.978448 | 0.982684 | 0.980562 | 0.999339 | 0.028 |
DCEL | 0.994737 | 0.005263 | 0.991379 | 0.991379 | 0.991379 | 0.999371 | 0.051 |
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