Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics ›› 2023, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (6): 1375-1396.doi: 10.23919/JSEE.2023.000153
Boyu QIN1,2(), Dong ZHANG1,2,*(), Shuo TANG1,2(), Yang XU3()
Dong ZHANG;;;
About author:
Supported by:
Boyu QIN, Dong ZHANG, Shuo TANG, Yang XU. Two-layer formation-containment fault-tolerant control of fixed-wing UAV swarm for dynamic target tracking[J]. Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics, 2023, 34(6): 1375-1396.
Table 1
Some key notations"
Nomenclature | Interpretation |
Identity matrix with n dimensions | |
Diagonal matrix | |
Maximum and minimum eigenvalues | |
Absolute value, p-norm | |
Signum function, notation of | |
Kronecker product | |
Laplacian matrix | |
Position coordinates of UAV i | |
Velocity, path angle, and heading angle of UAV i | |
Thrust, angle of attack, and banking angle of UAV i | |
Virtual control input of UAV i | |
Execution effectiveness, bias of UAV i’s actuator | |
Measurement effectiveness, bias of UAV i’s angle sensor | |
Integrated disturbance and its observed value of UAV i | |
Reference position and velocity of UAV i generated by DFTE | |
Position, velocity, and integrated disturbance of UAV i observed by FTESO | |
Sliding mode variables |
Table 3
Fault signals encountered by each fixed-wing UAV (°)"
Fault component | Fault signal | 0 s < t < 60 s | 60 s < t < 120 s | t > 120 s |
Actuator fault | ηa,i1 | 1 | 0.3e−1.5(t − 60) + 0.7 | 0.3e−1.5(t − 60) + 0.7 |
ηa,i2 | 1 | 0.25e−1.5(t − 60) + 0.75 | 0.25e−1.5(t − 60) + 0.75 | |
ηa,i3 | 1 | 0.25e−1.5(t − 60) + 0.75 | 0.25e−1.5(t − 60) + 0.75 | |
ba,i1 | 0 | −5(1 − e−1.5(t − 60)) | −5(1 − e−1.5(t − 60)) | |
ba,i2 | 0 | 0.5(1 − e−1.5(t − 60)) | 0.5(1 − e−1.5(t − 60)) | |
ba,i3 | 0 | 5(1 − e−1.5(t − 60)) | 5(1 − e−1.5(t − 60)) | |
Sensor fault | ηm,i1 | 1 | 1 | 0.2e−(t − 120) + 0.8 |
ηm,i2 | 1 | 1 | 0.2e−(t − 120) + 0.8 | |
bm,i1 | 0 | 0 | 5(1 − e−(t − 120)) | |
bm,i2 | 0 | 0 | 5(1 − e−(t − 120)) |
Table 4
Maneuver trajectory of the dynamic target and desired formation functions of each UAV"
Scenario | Signal | Parameter | Value |
Planar formation | Maneuver trajectory of the dynamic target | x0/m | 600sin(0.05t − π / 2) + 8t |
y0 /m | 0 | ||
z0 /m | 600cos(0.05t − π / 2) − 8t + 1500 | ||
vx0/(m·s−1) | 30cos(0.05t − π / 2) + 8 | ||
vy0/(m·s−1) | 0 | ||
vz0 /(m·s−1) | −30sin(0.05t − π / 2) − 8 | ||
The desired formation function (For UAV 1 to UAV 8) | hxi /m | 400cos(0.02t + π / 2) | |
hyi /m | 50 | ||
hzi /m | 400sin(0.02t + π / 2) | ||
Cubic formation | Maneuver trajectory of the dynamic target | x0 /m | 1500sin(0.02t −π / 6) |
y0/m | 50 + t | ||
z0/m | 1500cos(0.02t − π / 6) | ||
vx0/(m·s−1) | 30cos(0.02t − π / 6) | ||
vy0/(m·s−1) | 1 | ||
vz0/(m·s−1) | −30sin(0.05t − π / 6) | ||
The desired formation function (For UAV 1 to UAV 8) | hxi /m | 500cos[0.02t +(2i − 1)π / 4] | |
hyi /m | 25 (i = 1,2,3,4); −25 (i = 5,6,7,8) | ||
hzi /m | 500sin[0.02t +(2i − 1)π / 4] |
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