Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics ›› 2023, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (5): 1235-1251.doi: 10.23919/JSEE.2023.000062
• Systems Engineering • Previous Articles Next Articles
Lei XIE1(), Shangqin TANG1(
), Zhenglei WEI2,*(
), Yongbo XUAN3(
), Xiaofei WANG3(
Zhenglei WEI;;;;
About author:
Supported by:
Lei XIE, Shangqin TANG, Zhenglei WEI, Yongbo XUAN, Xiaofei WANG. UCAV situation assessment method based on C-LSHADE-Means and SAE-LVQ[J]. Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics, 2023, 34(5): 1235-1251.
Table 1
Algorithm parameter settings"
Algorithm | Parameter setting |
LSHADE | H=3, MF=0.5, pinit=0.11, Ninit=200, Nmin=150, D=2 |
CoBiDE | pb=0.4, ps=0.5, D=2 |
DE | F=0.5, Cr=0.5, D=2 |
SSA | Leader position update probability=0.5 |
PSO | C1=1.5, C2=1.5, D=2, Inertia factor=0.3 |
HHO | |
GWO | a=2−2t/tmax |
GSA | α=20, G0=100, Rnorm=2, Rpower=1 |
Table 2
Cluster evaluation index"
Index | Formula | Description |
Ac | | |
Sil | | |
DB | | DB represents the proportion of cluster scatter between cluster separation. |
CH | | |
Table 3
Clustering algorithm parameter settings"
Number | Algorithm | Parameter setting |
1 | DPC | Reference [ |
2 | FCM | The index of the membership matrix is 2, the maximum number of iterations is 200, and the minimum membership is 1.0e−5 |
3 | GMM | The non-negative regularization number is 1.0e−5 |
4 | CLA | Reference [ |
5 | LGC | Reference [ |
6 | K-means | Use Euclidean distance, the number of clusters is 4 |
7 | GBK-Means | Reference [ |
8 | C-LSHADE-Means | Use Euclidean distance, the number of clusters is 4, the maximum number of iterations is 200, CR=0.5,F=0.5, the initial population is 200, and the minimum population is 150 |
Table 4
Clustering results"
Data | Index | DPC | FCM | GMM | CLA | GLA | K-means | CBK-Means | C-LSHADE-Means |
UCI Data | Ac/% | 63.24 | 74.57 | 80.35 | 84.1 | 84.2 | 75.43 | 77.43 | 86.86 |
DB | 0.6584 | 0.7850 | 0.7701 | 0.635 | 0.635 | 0.7627 | 0.750 | 0.7526 | |
CH | 237.3047 | 339.5852 | 283.9508 | 336.248 | 336.249 | 340.2413 | 286.260 | 340.2610 | |
Sil | 0.2468 | 0.4160 | 0.4084 | 0.402 | 0.410 | 0.4192 | 0.383 | 0.4348 | |
Rank | 8/8 | 3/8 | 5/8 | 6/8 | 4/8 | 2/8 | 7/8 | 1/8 |
Table 5
Network parameter settings"
Algorithm | Parameter setting |
HSVM | H=2, C=100, |
CSA-HSVM | Fl=2.5, AP=0.1, iter=100, NP=20, C=100, |
KNN | K=4 |
LVQ | |
SAE-HSVM | Number_AE=2,H=2, C=100, |
SAE-LVQ | Number_AE=2, |
Table 6
Comparison of performance indexes"
Classifier | Mean (SD) | ||||
Accuracy/% | RMSE | MAPE/% | Kappa | Time | |
HSVM | 86.704(4.29e−01) | 0.1208 (1.12e−02) | 4.0262(4.61e−01) | 0.7912 (6.4e−03) | 9.183e−05 (1.862e−05) |
LVQ | 94.663(2.81e−01) | 0.0468 (4.3e−03) | 2.6607(1.95e−01) | 0.9113 (4.7e−03) | 3.412e−05 (3.247e−06) |
CSA-SVM | 94.10(7.43e−01) | 0.062 (9.7e−03) | 4.681(4.56e−01) | 0.904 (1.20e−02) | 3.16e−04 (7.34e−04) |
KNN | 88.015(6.13e−01) | 0.055 (1.27e−02) | 6.99(7.43e−01) | 0.804 (1.74e−02) | 7.674e−05 (5.152e−05) |
SAe−HSVM | 96.910(2.81e−01) | 0.0356 (5.8e−03) | 2.1223(5.49e−01) | 0.9486 (4.6e−03) | 4.435e−04 (6.882e−07) |
SAe−LVQ | 99.251(1.62e−01) | 0.0037 (1.6e−03) | 0.5384(1.46e−01) | 0.9876 (2.7e−3) | 1.024e−04 (1.292e−05) |
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