Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics ›› 2023, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (1): 160-171.doi: 10.23919/JSEE.2022.000154
• CONTROL THEORY AND APPLICATION • Previous Articles Next Articles
Jianping ZHOU(), Wei LI(), Qunli XIA(), Huan JIANG()
Qunli XIA;;;
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Jianping ZHOU, Wei LI, Qunli XIA, Huan JIANG. Robust missile autopilot design based on dynamic surface control[J]. Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics, 2023, 34(1): 160-171.
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Table 1
Related missile parameters"
Variable | Value |
| 204.01 |
| 0.040877 |
| 0.2286 |
| 247.42 |
| −0.3 |
| 150 |
| 0.7 |
| 0.000103 |
| 0.000215 |
| −0.00945 |
| −0.0195 |
| −0.1696 |
| 0.051 |
| −0.034 |
| −0.206 |
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