Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics ›› 2023, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (1): 36-46.doi: 10.23919/JSEE.2023.000034
• REMOTE SENSING • Previous Articles Next Articles
Wei FENG1,2,3,*(), Yijun LONG1,2,3(
), Shuo WANG1,2,3(
), Yinghui QUAN1,2,3(
Wei FENG;;;
About author:
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Wei FENG, Yijun LONG, Shuo WANG, Yinghui QUAN. A review of addressing class noise problems of remote sensing classification[J]. Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics, 2023, 34(1): 36-46.
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Table 1
Class handling method: removal and correction"
Description | Noise removal | Noise correction |
Basic procedure | Detecting and eliminating noisy data through noise filters | Detecting and correcting the labels of the noisy instances with predicted labels |
Non-ensemble method | SVM for outlier detection [ | Polishing: identify noisy data and replace its label by predicted labels [ |
Semi-supervised learning of probabilistic models for noise removal [ | Clustering: detect and group noisy data based on a neighborhood consistency constraint [ | |
Scalable penalized regression for noise detection [ | ||
The blame-based noise reduction algorithm [ | Density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise [ | |
Ensemble method | Bagging-majority vote filters [ | Active learning: active label correction (ALC-mislabeled and ALC-disagreement) to identify mislabeled data [ |
Identifying and eliminating data through subsets and error counts [ | ||
Heterogeneous ensemble with four different base classifiers [ | Single-pass discarding and correcting [ | |
Ensemble method based on the noise detection metric [ | ||
Edge analysis: a boosting ensemble to detect noisy data based on the sum of the weights of weak classifiers [ | Classification: relabel the noisy data by the class that is most predicted [ | |
Outlier removal boosting [ |
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