Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics ›› 2022, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (5): 1043-1051.doi: 10.23919/JSEE.2022.000102
• ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY • Previous Articles Next Articles
Lingchi GE(), Min FANG*(), Haikun LI(), Bo CHEN()
Min FANG;;;
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Lingchi GE, Min FANG, Haikun LI, Bo CHEN. Label correlation for partial label learning[J]. Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics, 2022, 33(5): 1043-1051.
Table 2
Characteristics of real-world partial label data sets"
Data set | Example | Feature | Class | Avg. CLs | Task domain |
FG-NET | 1002 | 262 | 78 | 7.48 | Facial age estimation [ |
Lost | 1122 | 108 | 16 | 2.23 | Automatic face naming [ |
MSRCv2 | 1758 | 48 | 23 | 3.16 | Object classification [ |
BirdSong | 4998 | 38 | 13 | 2.18 | Bird song classification [ |
Soccer Player | 17472 | 279 | 171 | 2.09 | Automatic face naming [ |
Yahoo! News | 22991 | 163 | 219 | 1.91 | Automatic face naming [ |
Table 3
Classification accuracy (mean $ \pm $ std) of each comparing algorithm on real-world partial label data sets "
Lost | 0.789±0.030 | 0.797±0.030 | 0.744±0.020 | 0.706±0.043 | 0.645±0.034 | 0.459±0.039 |
MSRCv2 | 0.562±0.021 | 0.500±0.023 | 0.509±0.028 | 0.427±0.024 | 0.531±0.037 | 0.418±0.046 |
BirdSong | 0.756±0.008 | 0.734±0.012 | 0.734±0.009 | 0.751±0.013 | 0.712±0.015 | 0.603±0.013 |
Soccer Player | 0.596±0.013 | 0.577±0.016 | 0.539±0.016 | 0.169±0.005 | 0.544±0.014 | 0.494±0.012 |
Yahoo! News | 0.670±0.008 | 0.663±0.013 | 0.647±0.009 | 0.561±0.011 | 0.607±0.012 | 0.471±0.005 |
FG-NET | 0.079±0.020 | 0.076±0.037 | 0.076±0.027 | 0.005±0.007 | 0.061±0.018 | 0.066±0.018 |
Table 4
Classification accuracy (mean $ \pm $ std) of control variables for PL-LCSA on real-world data sets "
Data set | | | |
Lost | 0.789±0.030 | 0.767±0.032 | 0.746±0.025 |
MSRCv2 | 0.562±0.021 | 0.544±0.030 | 0.507±0.028 |
BirdSong | 0.756±0.008 | 0.751±0.010 | 0.733±0.011 |
Soccer Player | 0.596±0.013 | 0.589±0.013 | 0.538±0.015 |
Yahoo! News | 0.670±0.008 | 0.666±0.009 | 0.648±0.009 |
FG-NET | 0.079±0.020 | 0.071±0.023 | 0.077±0.024 |
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