Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics ›› 2021, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (5): 1180-1199.doi: 10.23919/JSEE.2021.000101
• SYSTEMS ENGINEERING • Previous Articles Next Articles
Husheng WU1(), Hao LI2(
), Renbin XIAO3,*(
Renbin XIAO;;
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Husheng WU, Hao LI, Renbin XIAO. A blockchain bee colony double inhibition labor division algorithm for spatio-temporal coupling task with application to UAV swarm task allocation[J]. Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics, 2021, 32(5): 1180-1199.
Table 1
Algorithm performance comparison in situation A"
Cost function | The algorithm of this paper | Bee colony labor division | Ant colony labor division | Algorithm in [ | Algorithm in [ | Algorithm in [ |
Min | 77.3205 | 82.5620 | 83.3530 | 79.6902 | 79.3347 | 77.9551 |
Average | 78.3763 | 82.9944 | 84.3801 | 80.0487 | 80.2851 | 79.0156 |
Variance | 1.3537 | 1.6286 | 1.9977 | 1.4713 | 1.5642 | 1.1135 |
Time-consuming | 0.5377 | 1.3499 | 1.6715 | 0.8864 | 0.8637 | 2.0991 |
Table 2
Algorithm performance comparison in situation B"
Cost function | The algorithm of this paper | Bee colony labor division | Ant colony labor division | Algorithm in [ | Algorithm in [ | Algorithm in [ |
Min | 42.8168 | 46.1087 | 46.0672 | 43.7242 | 43.3587 | 43.0057 |
Average | 43.0036 | 46.3920 | 46.4903 | 44.3134 | 44.3390 | 43.3505 |
Variance | 1.0816 | 2.5849 | 1.2977 | 0.9302 | 0.8053 | 1.2326 |
Time-consuming | 0.3188 | 0.7873 | 0.8093 | 0.5305 | 0.5968 | 1.165 8 |
Table 3
Algorithm performance comparison in situation C"
Cost function | The algorithm of this paper | Bee colony labor division | Ant colony labor division | Algorithm in [ | Algorithm in [ | Algorithm in [ |
Min | 53.2255 | 57.4162 | 58.7066 | 53.6427 | 53.3404 | 53.3354 |
Average | 53.9264 | 58.7420 | 59.4014 | 54.3888 | 54.4026 | 54.2643 |
Variance | 1.7927 | 2.8647 | 3.3160 | 1.6347 | 1.6094 | 1.8479 |
Time-consuming | 1.5545 | 2.1977 | 2.7015 | 2.0187 | 2.0679 | 4.257 3 |
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