Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics ›› 2021, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (4): 881-888.doi: 10.23919/JSEE.2021.000076
• SYSTEMS ENGINEERING • Previous Articles Next Articles
Mengmeng ZHANG1(), Shuanghui YI2,*(
), Honghui CHEN1(
), Aimin LUO1(
), Junxian LIU1(
), Xiaoxue ZHANG1(
Shuanghui YI;;;;;
About author:
Mengmeng ZHANG, Shuanghui YI, Honghui CHEN, Aimin LUO, Junxian LIU, Xiaoxue ZHANG. Modeling the dynamic alignment of business and information systems via the lens of human-centered architecture evolution[J]. Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics, 2021, 32(4): 881-888.
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Table 1
Model | Description | Content |
HV-A: concept | A conceptual, high-level representation of the human component of the EA framework | Pictorial depictions Textual descriptions |
HV-B: constraints | The expression of capabilities and limitations of humans in systems | Manpower projections Career progression Establishment inventory Health hazards |
HV-C: functions | A list of human-specific activities and tasks | Function set Execution criteria of tasks Task-role matrix |
HV-D: roles | The roles for humans interacting with systems | Responsibility Authority Competencies |
HV-E: human network | Human-to-human communication patterns | Groupings or teams Type of interactions Team performance impacts |
HV-F: training | The instruction, education or training that is required | As-is training resources To-be training demands |
HV-G: metrics | A repository for human-related values, priorities and performance criteria | Human performance metrics Human function to metrics mapping Target values |
HV-H: human dynamics | The dynamic aspects of the human system components defined in above models | States and state changes Triggering events Performance measures |
Table 2
Misalignment descriptions"
Number | Misalignment symptom |
S01 | Organizational goals and responsibilities of business processes are unknown. |
S02 | Responsibilities of business and IS activities are unknown. |
S03 | Mappings of systems and services are unclear. |
S04 | There is a lack of required information to support alignment measurement. |
S05 | There is a lack of required performer information to support day-to-day activities. |
S06 | Relationship between systems and activities is lacking, insufficient, or multiple. |
S07 | Relationship between services and activities is lacking, insufficient, or multiple. |
S08 | Systems have not been manipulated by performers. |
S09 | Services have not been manipulated by performers. |
S10 | Business/IS actors have not participated in IS/business organizations. |
S11 | Business/IS actors have not received relevant training. |
S12 | Criteria for satisfying capabilities are unclear. |
S13 | Conditions of executing activities are unknown. |
S14 | There is a lack of required capabilities for measurement alignment. |
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[2] | Mengmeng ZHANG, Honghui CHEN, Junxian LIU. Resource allocation approach to associate business-IT alignment to enterprise architecture design [J]. Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics, 2019, 30(2): 343-351. |
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