Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics ›› 2021, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (4): 789-798.doi: 10.23919/JSEE.2021.000068
Zining WANG1(), Min LIN1,*(
), Xiaogang TANG2(
), Kefeng GUO2(
), Shuo HUANG3(
), Ming CHENG1(
Min LIN;;;;;
About author:
Supported by:
Zining WANG, Min LIN, Xiaogang TANG, Kefeng GUO, Shuo HUANG, Ming CHENG. Multi-objective robust secure beamforming for cognitive satellite and UAV networks[J]. Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics, 2021, 32(4): 789-798.
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Table 1
Main simulation parameters"
Parameter | Value |
UAV height/km | 1 |
UPA | |
Carrier frequency/GHz | 2 |
3 dB angle/(°) | |
Antenna inter-element spacing | |
Side-lobe level/dB | |
Bandwidth/KHz | |
Noise temperature/K | |
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