Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics ›› 2021, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (1): 220-227.doi: 10.23919/JSEE.2021.000019
• CONTROL THEORY AND APPLICATION • Previous Articles Next Articles
FARAJZADEH-DEVIN Mohammad-Ghassem(), HOSSEINI SANI Seyed Kamal*(
About author:
FARAJZADEH-DEVIN Mohammad-Ghassem, HOSSEINI SANI Seyed Kamal. Enhanced two-loop model predictive control design for linear uncertain systems[J]. Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics, 2021, 32(1): 220-227.
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Table 1
Motor parameters"
Parameter | Expression | Value |
va | Rotor/armature voltage | [?5,5] |
ia | Rotor/armature current | — |
Ra/Ω | Rotor/armature resistance | 0.5 |
La/H | Rotor/armature inductance | 1.5×10?3 |
ie | Stator current | — |
Kie/(V/(rad/s)) or (N-m/A) | Torque constant | 0.05 |
θ | Angular position | — |
ω | Angular velocity | — |
Tm | Motor torque | — |
Tl | Load torque | — |
J/(N-m/(rad/s2)) | Rotor inertia | 2.5×10?4 |
F/(N-m/(rad/s)) | Viscous friction coefficient | 1.0×10?4 |
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