Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics ›› 2020, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (5): 983-995.doi: 10.23919/JSEE.2020.000073
• Systems Engineering • Previous Articles Next Articles
Menglong LIN1(), Shuanghui YI2,*(
), Mengmeng ZHANG1(
), Tao CHEN1(
), Honghui CHEN1(
), Xiaoxue ZHANG1(
Shuanghui YI;;;;;
About author:
LIN Menglong was born in 1993. He received his M.S. degree in control science and technology from National University of Defense Technology (NUDT), Changsha, China, in 2018. He is pursuing his Ph.D. degree in the College of Systems Engineering at NUDT. His research interests are information system architecture design, analysis and validation. E-mail: Menglong LIN, Shuanghui YI, Mengmeng ZHANG, Tao CHEN, Honghui CHEN, Xiaoxue ZHANG. A coevolutionary framework of business-IT alignment via the lens of enterprise architecture[J]. Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics, 2020, 31(5): 983-995.
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Table 1
Some representative papers on BITC"
Author | Focus | Why | What | How |
Agarwaland and Sambamurthy (2002) [ | Organizing IT functions | Increasing IT roles | Partner modelPlatform model | Organize IT to foster coevolution between business and IT functions |
Bendya and McKelvey (2006) [ | A conceptual model of BITC | Dancing rugged environmentComplex internal relationships | Strategic levelOperational levelIndividual level | Top-down rational design and bottom-up emergent process |
Tanriverdi, et al. (2010) [ | A new quest of BITC | Dancing rugged environment | Strategic alignment quest | Improve the organization's agility and dynamics in repositioning itself |
El Sawy, et al. (2010) [ | The ecosystem of environment, business, and IT systems | Dancing rugged environmentComplex internal relationshipsIncreasingly IT roles | Digital ecodynamicsEnvironmental turbulenceBusiness capabilitiesIT systems | Configuration theory |
Nassim and Robert (2013) [ | Verifying coevolutionary principles | Dancing rugged environmentComplex internal relationships | Adaptive tensionChange rateModular design | Top-down rational design and bottom-up emergent process |
Vessey and Ward (2013) [ | A conceptual model of BITC | Dancing rugged environmentComplex internal relationships | Adaptive IS managementEnabling IS managementAdministrative IS mana-gement | Top-down rational design and bottom-up emergent process |
Sandberg (2014) [ | A shift to digital business strategy | Dancing rugged environmentIncreasing IT roles | Digital business strategyOrganizational performance | Improving organizational performance through coevolution |
Peppard (2014, 2003) [ | A conceptual model of BITC | Dancing rugged environmentComplex internal relationships | "Never go ahead" loop"More of the same" loop | Glaserian form of grounded theory development |
Weeger and Haase (2016) [ | Transformation of BITA | Complex internal relationships | IT activity systemBusiness activity system | Activity theory |
Amarilli, et al. (2016) [ | A conceptual model of BITC and different approaches | Dancing rugged environmentComplex internal relationships | Macro scaleMicro scale | Metaphors, functional comp lexity models, co-evolutionary models, and dynamic complexity models |
Kahre, et al. (2017) [ | A shift to digital business strategy | Dancing rugged environmentIncreasing IT roles | Organizational conditions & changesEnvironmental conditions & changesChanges in the content of strategy | Provide a structured clarification of the current digital business strategies knowledge base |
Table 2
Research topics combining BITA with EA"
Topic | Description | Example |
The relationship between BITA and EA | What are the correlations of BITA and EA? | [ |
BITA achievement with EA | How can we achieve BITA with EA methods? | [ |
BITA measurement with EA | How can we measure BITA with EA methods? | [ |
BITA governance with EA | How can we maintain BITA with EA methods? | [ |
Table 3
Misalignment governance and prevention principles"
Principle | Name | Description | Supporting literature |
P1 | Detect and sense deviations from intended plans. | Firms need to sense and respond to external or internal changes in a timely manner. | Sandberg, 2014 [ |
P2 | Conduct root-cause analyses. | Root causes should be identified on the basis of multiple symptoms. | Benbya and McKelvey, 2006 [ |
P3 | Add mechanisms and learn from environmental reaction. | Mechanisms should be added to analyze its reactions to dynamic actions. | Benbya and McKelvey, 2006 [ |
P4 | Consider both exploration and exploitation as part of IT strategies. | Exploration concerns to discover new opportunities, and exploitation increases the productivity of existing capabilities. | Peppard and Karin, 2003 [ |
P5 | Consider digital IT capabilities as inherent elements of planning business strategies. | IT strategies are no longer subordinate to business strategies but shape them. | Agarwal and Sambamurthy, 2002 [ |
P6 | Adopt suitable organizing principles. | An organization should balance the internal coordination and external partnering. | Agarwal and Sambamurthy, 2002 [ |
P7 | Communicate frequently among agents. | Agents should communicate with each other and form a collaborating relationship. | Plazaola et al., 2006 [ |
P8 | Own concrete, precise, and detailed intentions. | The intended strategy must be specific and explicit. | Baker, 2019 [ |
P9 | Adopt modular design. | Modularity is the ability to easily reconfigure components by minimizing interdependencies among modules. | Benbya and McKelvey, 2006 [ |
P10 | Design IS with sufficient up-front complexity. | A system needs to generate the same degree ofinternal complexity as the external complexity it faces in its environment. | Benbya and McKelvey, 2006 [ |
P11 | Share domain knowledge. | Agents build consensus as to the shared reality of the organization. | Plazaola et al., 2006 [ |
P12 | Quickened learning action loops. | Speeding up the learning action loops can increase an organization's competitive advantage. | Benbya and McKelvey, 2006 [ |
P13 | Foster coevolution to improve IS alignment. | The alignment is a dynamic processinvolving continuous adjustments between business and IS. | Benbya and McKelvey, 2006 [ |
P14 | Predict possible emergent situations in advance. | Possible emergent situations should be examined to speed up future change rates. | Vessey and Ward, 2013 [ |
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[1] | Mengmeng ZHANG, Shuanghui YI, Honghui CHEN, Aimin LUO, Junxian LIU, Xiaoxue ZHANG. Modeling the dynamic alignment of business and information systems via the lens of human-centered architecture evolution [J]. Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics, 2021, 32(4): 881-888. |
[2] | Mengmeng ZHANG, Honghui CHEN, Yi MAO, Aimin LUO. An approach to measuring business-IT alignment maturity via DoDAF2.0 [J]. Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics, 2020, 31(1): 95-108. |
[3] | Mengmeng ZHANG, Honghui CHEN, Junxian LIU. Resource allocation approach to associate business-IT alignment to enterprise architecture design [J]. Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics, 2019, 30(2): 343-351. |
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