Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics ›› 2006, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (2): 251-257.doi: 10.1016/S1004-4132(06)60043-1

• ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Contour representation based on wedgelet

Liu Zeyi, Sun Ziqiang, Xu Ling & Peng Xiang   

  1. 1. Dept of Mathematics of Science Coll. , Shenzhen Univ. , Shenzhen 518060, P. R. China;
    2. Dept of Mathematics of Science Coll. , Tianjin Univ. , Tianjin 300072, P. R. China;
    3. Tianjin Foreign Studies Univ. , Tianjin 300204, P. R. China;
    4. Inst. of Optoelectronics, Shenzhen Univ. , Shenzhen 518060, P. R. China;
    5. National Lab of Precision Measurement Technology and Instrumentation, Tianjin 300072, P. R. China
  • Online:2006-06-26 Published:2019-12-20


Aiming at the shortcomings of the existing wedgelet compression arithmetics, a novel contour-representing algorithm based on wedgelets is presented in this paper. Firstly the input image is binarized and the most optimized wedgelets are found by means of quadtree framework. Then the contours are reconstructed by applying the wedgelets, the data volume is compressed, and the shortcomings of the contour representation based on normal wavelet are ameliorated, the better effect for the visualization is obtained, too.

Key words: wedgelet, binarization, quadtree