Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics ›› 2019, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (5): 931-945.doi: 10.21629/JSEE.2019.05.11
• Systems Engineering • Previous Articles Next Articles
Haiquan SUN1,2(), Wei XIA1,2,*(
), Xiaoxuan HU1,2(
), Chongyan XU3(
Wei XIA;;;
About author:
SUN Haiquan was born in 1993. He received his B.S. degree from Hefei University of Technology in 2016. He is currently working for his M.S. degree in management science and engineering at Hefei University of Technology. His research interest is satellite intelligent scheduling. E-mail: Supported by:
Haiquan SUN, Wei XIA, Xiaoxuan HU, Chongyan XU. Earth observation satellite scheduling for emergency tasks[J]. Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics, 2019, 30(5): 931-945.
Table 1
Simulated satellites"
Sat_id | Sat_name | Sat_sensor_name | Sensor_msg/(°) | Apogee/km | Perigee/km |
0 | FENGYUN_1D_27431 | FY1D_Sensor1 | 35 | 872 | 851 |
1 | FENGYUN_3A_32958 | FY3A_Sensor1 | 25 | 827 | 826 |
2 | GAOFEN_1_39150 | GF1_Sensor1 | 25 | 652 | 628 |
3 | GAOFEN_2_40118 | GF2_Sensor1 | 35 | 633 | 621 |
4 | YAOGAN_12_37875 | YG12_Sensor1 | 30 | 491 | 488 |
5 | YAOGAN_13_37941 | YG13_Sensor1 | 25 | 514 | 511 |
6 | YAOGAN_14_38257 | YG14_Sensor1 | 25 | 479 | 471 |
7 | YAOGAN_15_38354 | YG15_Sensor1 | 25 | 1 206 | 1 196 |
8 | YAOGAN_16A_39011 | YG16A_Sensor1 | 25 | 1 162 | 1 018 |
9 | YAOGAN_17A_39239 | YG17A_Sensor1 | 35 | 1 184 | 997 |
10 | YAOGAN_18_39363 | YG18_Sensor1 | 25 | 514 | 510 |
11 | YAOGAN_19_39410 | YG19_Sensor1 | 30 | 1 207 | 1 201 |
12 | YAOGAN_20A_40109 | YG20A_Sensor1 | 25 | 1 122 | 1 059 |
13 | YAOGAN_21_40143 | YG21_Sensor1 | 25 | 498 | 482 |
14 | YAOGAN_22_40275 | YG22_Sensor1 | 25 | 1 207 | 1 198 |
15 | YAOGAN_23_40305 | YG23_Sensor1 | 30 | 513 | 511 |
16 | YAOGAN_24_40310 | YG24_Sensor1 | 25 | 651 | 628 |
17 | YAOGAN_25A_40338 | YG25A_Sensor1 | 30 | 1 105 | 1 076 |
18 | YAOGAN_26_40362 | YG26_Sensor1 | 30 | 491 | 484 |
19 | YAOGAN_27_40878 | YG27_Sensor1 | 25 | 1 207 | 1 193 |
Table 5
Algorithm running value statistics"
Scale | Total scheduled task value | Total scheduled task number | Total scheduled emergency task value | Total scheduled emergency task number | Total scheduled emergency task early completion time/ms} | |||||||||
20-400 | 155.694 767 9 | 155.306 391 7 | 411 | 410 | 33.519 924 77 | 33.519 924 77 | 20 | 20 | 963 500 | 913 837 | ||||
40-400 | 187.355 917 2 | 186.910 33 | 429 | 427 | 65.482 530 32 | 65.482 530 32 | 39 | 39 | 1 988 093 | 1 870 252 | ||||
60-400 | 216.244 272 | 215.806 892 7 | 445 | 443 | 95.050 628 22 | 95.050 628 22 | 57 | 57 | 2 769 542 | 2 694 203 | ||||
80-400 | 246.844 995 1 | 246.177 952 2 | 462 | 460 | 125.708 562 4 | 125.708 562 4 | 75 | 75 | 3 836 727 | 3 606 310 | ||||
20-600 | 214.249 678 1 | 214.242 656 4 | 593 | 592 | 33.519 924 77 | 33.519 924 77 | 20 | 20 | 927 043 | 852 168 | ||||
40-600 | 245.635 376 1 | 245.614 460 6 | 610 | 608 | 65.482 530 32 | 65.482 530 32 | 39 | 39 | 1 963 499 | 1 674 982 | ||||
60-600 | 274.048 733 4 | 273.996 054 6 | 624 | 622 | 95.050 628 22 | 95.050 628 22 | 57 | 57 | 2 813 932 | 2 354 263 | ||||
80-600 | 303.039 729 7 | 302.876 002 | 641 | 637 | 124.041 624 6 | 124.041 624 6 | 74 | 74 | 3 763 401 | 3 368 258 | ||||
20-800 | 269.702 707 5 | 269.275 882 1 | 766 | 765 | 33.519 924 77 | 33.519 924 77 | 20 | 20 | 960 357 | 835 465 | ||||
40-800 | 300.988 291 | 300.222 456 4 | 781 | 780 | 65.482 530 32 | 65.482 530 32 | 39 | 39 | 1 925 611 | 1 800 719 | ||||
60-800 | 329.113 319 4 | 328.448 993 6 | 796 | 792 | 95.050 628 22 | 95.050 628 22 | 57 | 57 | 2 698 694 | 2 475 511 | ||||
80-800 | 359.537 311 6 | 358.851 915 4 | 812 | 808 | 125.708 562 4 | 125.708 562 4 | 75 | 75 | 3 698 408 | 3 301 407 | ||||
20-1 000 | 323.420 770 7 | 321.856 189 6 | 935 | 926 | 33.519 924 77 | 33.519 924 77 | 20 | 20 | 945 258 | 887 000 | ||||
40-1 000 | 354.063 524 6 | 352.471 790 3 | 950 | 942 | 65.482 530 32 | 65.482 530 32 | 39 | 39 | 1 897 306 | 1 672 188 | ||||
60-1 000 | 382.226 183 8 | 380.508 810 4 | 965 | 955 | 95.050 628 22 | 95.050 628 22 | 57 | 57 | 2 566 006 | 2 314 756 | ||||
80-1 000 | 412.148 476 1 | 410.565 007 6 | 980 | 971 | 125.708 562 4 | 125.708 562 4 | 75 | 75 | 3 619 846 | 3 252 925 |
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