Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics ›› 2019, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (3): 545-554.doi: 10.21629/JSEE.2019.03.12
• Systems Engineering • Previous Articles Next Articles
Qiming YANG(), Jiandong ZHANG*(
), Guoqing SHI(
Jiandong ZHANG;;
About author:
YANG Qiming was born in 1988. He received his M.S. degree in Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an, China in 2013. Since 2016, he has been a Ph.D. candidate in electronic science and technology in Northwestern Polytechnical University. His main research interests are artificial intelligence and its application on control and decision of UAV. E-mail:Supported by:
Qiming YANG, Jiandong ZHANG, Guoqing SHI. Modeling of UAV path planning based on IMM under POMDP framework[J]. Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics, 2019, 30(3): 545-554.
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