Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics ›› 2018, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (6): 1180-1196.doi: 10.21629/JSEE.2018.06.07
• Systems Engineering • Previous Articles Next Articles
Zhi ZHU1,2,*(), Yonglin LEI1,2(
), Xiaobo LI1(
), Yifan ZHU1(
Zhi ZHU;;;;
About author:
ZHU Zhi was born in 1989. He is a Ph.D. candidate in National University of Defense Technology. He was a visiting Ph.D. student at Arizona State University from 2016 to 2017. His research interests are model-driven development and system engineering. E-mail: Supported by:
Zhi ZHU, Yonglin LEI, Hessam SARJOUGHIAN, Xiaobo LI, Yifan ZHU. UML-based combat effectiveness simulation system modeling within MDE[J]. Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics, 2018, 29(6): 1180-1196.
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Table 3
Details of torpedo's domain specific characteristics"
Entity | Property | Type | Value |
Event | dataFlowMode | DataFlowMode (Enumeration) | Requirements/behavior/structure |
Event | eventOccurTime | SuperdenseTime (DataType) | simulationTime, microstep |
Event | policy | ControlPolicy (Enumeration) | LIFO, FIFO |
Event | priority | Integer (UML Primitive Type) | 0, 1, 2, ... |
TargetEvent | kind | TargetEventKind (Enumeration) | TargetFound, TargetLost, TargetDamaged |
PredefinedEvent | kind | PredefinedEventKind (Enumeration) | preAreaArrived, preTimeArrived |
GuidanceState | mode | GuidanceMode (Enumeration) | Active, Passive, SemiActive |
Pseudostate | kind | PseudostateKind (Enumeration) | initial, junction, choice, terminate, fork, end |
Table 4
Details of torpedo's physical profile"
Stereotype | Graphical notation | Meta-class | Description |
T_Element | (Abstract) | Element | As a stereotype that derives other stereotypes of the torpedo's physical profile, hierarchy is introduced. It has a tag name typed by String. |
T_State | ![]() | State, Element | The core stereotype represents a physical state of torpedo that will keep unchanged for a certain time period unless stimuli occur. It has a Boolean tag activityActivated and two operations entryActivity and exitActivity. |
T_GuidanceState (Active) | ![]() | State, Element | Isolating the stereotype from T State stereotype aims to emphasize the guidance characteristics of torpedo. It has a tag mode typed by the GuidanceMode enumeration which contains Active, Passive, and Semi Active modes. |
T_GuidanceState (Passive) | ![]() | State, Element | |
T_GuidanceState (Semi Active) | ![]() | State, Element | |
T_Pseudostate | (Similar to state diagram) | State, Element | The stereotype refers to the pseudo states of UML state diagram, which consists of initial, junction, choice, terminate, fork, and end forms. |
T_Transition | ![]() | Transition, Element | As another core stereotype, T Transition is used for future extension purpose. It derives the T Event stereotype. |
T_Event | ![]() | Event, State | The aggregation relationships fall into a stereotype. The stereotype has an Action operation and five tags: dataFlowMode, guardCondition, eventOccurTime, policy and priority. |
T_TargetEvent | ![]() | Event, State | The stereotype derives from T Event, which has three kinds of target events: TargetFound, TargetLost, and TargetDamaged |
T_PredefinedEvent | ![]() | Event, State | The stereotype derives from T Event, which has two kinds of predefined events: preAreaArrived and preTimeArrived. |
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