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Shuang Qiu, Weixing Sheng*, Xiaofeng Ma, Yubing Han, and Renli Zhang
A signal waveform recovery method based on the coprime array is investigated to extract the waveform of the desired signal from spatial interferences in narrowband scenarios. The direction of arrivals (DOAs) of the desired signal and interference signals are estimated with the compressive sensing approach based on angle grids, and the signal power together with the noise power are estimated. Thereafter, a modified steepest descent (SD) method is derived to recover the waveform of the desired signal and interferences utilizing the estimated power and directions. The recovered waveform of the desired signal is the output of the proposed method. The situation in which the signals are not on the predefined angle grids is also considered. The DOAs estimated via the predefined angle grids are corrected based on the maximum likelihood (ML) angle estimation. Compared to the existing beamforming methods on co-prime array, the proposed method can obtain the waveform of the desired signal. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed method can achieve good performance in signal waveform recovery and output signal to noise ratio.
Shuang Qiu, Weixing Sheng, Xiaofeng Ma, Yubing Han, and Renli Zhang. Signal recovery method based on co-prime array[J]. Systems Engineering and Electronics, doi: 10.21629/JSEE.2017.02.03.
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