Systems Engineering and Electronics
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Wenlong Lu*, Junwei Xie, Heming Wang, and Chuan Sheng
Multi-radar signal separation is a critical process in modern reconnaissance systems. However, the complicated battlefield is typically confronted with increasing electronic equipment and complex radar waveforms. The intercepted signal is difficult to separate with conventional parameters because of severe overlapping in both time and frequency domains. On the contrary, timefrequency analysis maps the 1D signal into a 2D time-frequency plane, which provides a better insight into the signal than traditional methods. Particularly, the parameterized time-frequency analysis (PTFA) shows great potential in processing such nonstationary signals. Five procedures for the PTFA are proposed to separate the overlapped multi-radar signal, including initiation, instantaneous frequency estimation with PTFA, signal demodulation, signal separation with adaptive filter and signal recovery. The proposed method is verified with both simulated and real signals, which shows good performance in the application on multi-radar signal separation.
Wenlong Lu, Junwei Xie, Heming Wang, and Chuan Sheng. Parameterized time-frequency analysis to separate multi-radar signals[J]. Systems Engineering and Electronics, doi: 10.21629/JSEE.2017.03.09.
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