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Distributed blackboard decision-making framework for collaborative planning based on nested genetic algorithm

Yaozhong Zhang, Lei Zhang, and Zhiqiang Du   

  1. School of Electronics and Information, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an 710129, China
  • Online:2015-12-25 Published:2010-01-03


A distributed blackboard decision-making framework forcollaborative planning based on nested genetic algorithm (NGA)is proposed. By using blackboard-based communication paradigmand shared data structure, multiple decision-makers (DMs) cancollaboratively solve the tasks-platforms allocation schedulingproblems dynamically through the coordinator. This methodologycombined with NGA maximizes tasks execution accuracy,also minimizes the weighted total workload of the DM which ismeasured in terms of intra-DM and inter-DM coordination. Theintra-DM employs an optimization-based scheduling algorithm tomatch the tasks-platforms assignment request with its own platforms.The inter-DM coordinates the exchange of collaborative requestinformation and platforms among DMs using the blackboardarchitecture. The numerical result shows that the proposed blackboardDM framework based on NGA can obtain a near-optimalsolution for the tasks-platforms collaborative planning problem.The assignment of platforms-tasks and the patterns of coordinationcan achieve a nice trade-off between intra-DM and inter-DMcoordination workload.