Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics
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Jianjuan Xiu*, Kai Dong, and You He
In order to estimate the systematic error in the process of maneuvering target adaptive tracking, a new method is proposed. The proposed method is a linear tracking scheme based on a modified input estimation approach. A special augmentation in the state space model is considered, in which both the systematic error and the unknown input vector are attached to the state vector. Then, an augmented state model and a measurement model are established in the case of systematic error, and the corresponding filter formulas are also given. In the proposed scheme, the original state, the acceleration and the systematic error vector can be estimated simultaneously. This method can not only solve the maneuvering target adaptive tracking problem in the case of systematic error, but also give the system error value in real time. Simulation results show that the proposed tracking algorithm operates in both the non-maneuvering and the maneuvering modes, and the original state, the acceleration and the systematic error vector can be estimated simultaneously.
Jianjuan Xiu, Kai Dong, and You He. Systematic error real-time registration based on modified input estimation[J]. Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics, doi: 10.21629/JSEE.2016.05.06.
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