Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics ›› 2022, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (6): 1190-1207.doi: 10.23919/JSEE.2022.000142
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Lei HU1(), Boqi XI1(
), Guoxing YI1,*(
), Hui ZHAO1(
), Jiapeng ZHONG2(
Guoxing YI;;;;
About author:
. [J]. Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics, 2022, 33(6): 1190-1207.
Lei HU, Boqi XI, Guoxing YI, Hui ZHAO, Jiapeng ZHONG. A multiple heterogeneous UAVs reconnaissance mission planning and re-planning algorithm[J]. Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics, 2022, 33(6): 1190-1207.
Parameter | Definition | Parameter | Definition | |
| Time | | Velocity of UAV i | |
| Type of UAV sensor, type of targets | | Minimum turning radius of UAVi | |
| Number of all targets in mission area | | Dubins path of any two points | |
| Number of UAVs | | Number of targets visited by UAV i | |
| Maximum voyage of UAV i | | Number of nodes visited by UAV i | |
| Indicator function, sensor type loaded in UAV i | | PDM of reconnaissance mission corresponding to UAVi | |
| Indicator function, the type of target j | | Decision vector of UAV i | |
| Indicator function, whether the target j can be detected by UAVi | | Voyage distance cost function of UAV i | |
| Indicator function, whether the target j is detected by UAV i | | Total voyage distance cost function of UAVs | |
| Indicator function, the healthy state of UAV i at time | | Sampling number | |
K | K sub-missions | PDM | Probability density matrix |
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