Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics ›› 2022, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (3): 665-673.doi: 10.23919/JSEE.2022.000061
Xiaozhong TANG1,2(), Naiming XIE1,*(
Naiming XIE;
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. [J]. Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics, 2022, 33(3): 665-673.
Xiaozhong TANG, Naiming XIE. A self-adaptive grey forecasting model and its application[J]. Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics, 2022, 33(3): 665-673.
Year | Actual data | GM(1,1) | DGM(1,1) | GM(1,1,x(1)(n)) | NSGM(1,1) λ = 0.149 1 to = 10.055 4 | FGM(1,1) γ = 0.873 5 | SAGM(1,1) ? = 0.589 5 γ = 0.956 5 λ = 0.269 8 to = 7.599 0 |
2010 | 1 077.92 | - | - | - | - | - | - |
2011 | 1 221.19 | 1 258.263 6 | 1 259.136 2 | 1 258.594 0 | 1 246.088 4 | 1 213.424 5 | 1 248.598 0 |
2012 | 1 361.10 | 1 353.556 3 | 1 354.467 2 | 1 353.908 0 | 1 340.459 4 | 1 348.057 2 | 1 360.954 5 |
2013 | 1 528.07 | 1 456.065 8 | 1 457.015 9 | 1 456.440 1 | 1 441.977 4 | 1 470.820 2 | 1 472.185 8 |
2014 | 1 585.18 | 1 566.338 7 | 1 567.328 7 | 1 566.737 1 | 1 551.183 8 | 1 589.519 0 | 1 586.707 7 |
2015 | 1 639.79 | 1 684.963 0 | 1 685.993 4 | 1 685.387 0 | 1 668.660 8 | 1 707.817 9 | 1 706.481 9 |
2016 | 1 794.98 | 1 812.571 1 | 1 813.642 4 | 1 813.022 2 | 1 795.034 8 | 1 827.773 4 | 1 832.732 3 |
2017 | 1 921.48 | 1 949.843 4 | 1 950.955 9 | 1 950.323 4 | 1 930.979 5 | 1 950.716 4 | 1 966.396 9 |
2018 | 2 135.07 | 2 097.511 8 | 2 098.665 6 | 2 098.022 4 | 2 077.219 9 | 2 077.609 6 | 2 108.294 0 |
MAPE/% | 2.057 6 | 2.058 4 | 2.058 1 | 2.037 7 | 1.975 3 | 1.971 3 | |
RMSE | 37.973 8 | 37.961 2 | 37.965 2 | 41.659 4 | 40.906 1 | 37.503 4 | |
MAE | 33.018 6 | 33.028 8 | 33.024 9 | 32.737 9 | 33.739 4 | 32.637 8 | |
2019 | 2 300.68 | 2 256.363 7 | 2 257.558 7 | 2 256.906 8 | 2 234.535 5 | 2 209.214 7 | 2 259.195 3 |
MAPE/% | 1.926 2 | 1.874 3 | 1.902 6 | 2.875 | 3.9756 | 1.803 1 | |
RMSE | 44.316 3 | 43.121 3 | 43.773 2 | 66.144 5 | 91.465 3 | 41.484 7 | |
MAE | 44.316 3 | 43.121 3 | 43.773 2 | 66.144 5 | 91.465 3 | 41.484 7 |
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